I am part of a box scheme: I have had a box of organic, in-season fruit and veg delivered to my home for many years now. Read the rest of this entry »
Kids and Bankers
September 2011 in News, Rod Millington by PublisherI don’t know how many people reading this will now be out of business, or know people that are, because of youths that have gone feral. It’s disgusting behaviour and hopefully by the time you read this the police will have restored order; but for how long?
Climate Change as a Religion
August 2011 in News, Rod Millington by PublisherRegular readers will be aware that I don’t altogether hold with fashionable climate change theories; they appear to result from very dodgy science that ignores anything that goes against its chosen belief structure. Yes, climate change has become a religion.
The Corporate War on Nature
July 2011 in News, Rod Millington by PublisherWhile industries carry on polluting the planet with their toxic chemicals, toxic waste and toxic spills, Earth’s pollinators sing a swansong that leaves no doubt as to the foolishness of modern civilisation.
The Corporate War on Nature
June 2011 in News, Rod Millington by PublisherWhile industries carry on polluting the planet with their toxic chemicals, toxic waste and toxic spills, Earth’s pollinators sing a swansong that leaves no doubt as to the foolishness of modern civilisation.